Many of our courses and programs take place on 120 acres of off-grid private wildland on Nqayt (Anderson Lake) about a 4.5 drive north of Vancouver, BC. The site is on a stunning and refreshing 28 km long lake nestled in the steep coast mountains. It is full of old growth ponderosa pine, douglas-fir, and abundant saskatoon berry. A place so expansive it is home for black bear, cougar, wolves, coyote and wolverine. It is also a place that reinvigorates the wild in the human spirit.
We acknowledge that we live and work on unceded Statamic terrorities* on Nqayt (Anderson Lake), BC. The Statamic people have lived here for time immemorial, sustained by the abundance of fish, four-leggeds, and the saskatoons shrubs of this place. They have protected these lands and waters time and again, speaking up for those who cannot speak.
We wish to acknowledge our place as settler descendants; that many of our ancestors came to these lands through the ongoing process of violent dispossession and colonialism. Further, we recognize that we are not immune to past and ongoing colonial processes. We acknowledge that we as settlers have much work to do to come into right relationship with indigenous peoples.