March 17-23, 2024

Join us on a 5-day expedition through wild winter in the mountains.

Let the mountains empower you to be bold, work as a team, and make lasting friendships in the deep wild of the coast mountains


You feel called to an experience of being immersed in the deep wild with your peers. You have a sense of adventure and are looking for ways to meet your personal edges. You wish to find your people and a place of wild belonging.


  • Backpacking during winter in the mountains for 5 days and 5 nights in a small group

  • Learning navigation techniques to route-find our way off-trail (we will not be travelling through avalanche terrain)

  • Practising winter wilderness living skills including making fire, shelter, and outdoor cooking

  • Learning how to read the track and sign of animals in the snow

  • Connecting to your own wildness and freedom in the natural world


Backcountry overnight camping gear (lightweight sleeping mat, winter sleeping bag, tent), personal dishes, winter hiking boots, suitable outdoor clothing for winter conditions, food for the trip. More details to be sent upon registration.

YOUR GUIDES (Click the guides name to see thier bio)

Fern Yip & Canis Lupis


Who: Youth ages 15-18

Dates: March 17-23, 2024

Where: Coast mountains, Anderson Lake, BC

Cost: $839

Max participants: 8